Access Bank High Yielf USD Investment

  The High Yield USD Investment Product has an investment term of six months. It offers investors a competitive return benchmarked to the USD London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) at the end of the term, plus full repayment of their capital at maturity..The product will deliver guaranteed returns while ensuring capital preservation. It is borne out of the desire to create an alternative and yet competitive investment option for USD domiciliary account holders.

The product offers a guaranteed
return of 3M LIBOR plus 150
basis points, paid at the term.

The minimum investment period is
180 days.

The minimum investible amount is
USD 100,000.00 (One Hundred
thousand Dollars) All interest earned will be tax.exempt.

The deposit is NDIC covered (up to
NGN500,000.00 in the first instance).

High returns are guaranteed
compared to those on similar
